Part 3 of the Angels and Aliens Series
Throughout various religious and mythological systems, Lucifer, also known as the devil, plays a significant and recurring role. Depicted as a fallen angel, a deceiver, and the ultimate nemesis of humanity, he appears in many forms, from the serpent in the Garden of Eden to the Iblis of Islamic tradition. But what if these stories, these scriptures, were pointing to something far more complex than a simple figure of evil? What if Lucifer, Iblis, and their demonic legions are not just characters of myth but represent non-human entities controlling and manipulating the physical world—possibly the very architects of the reality we live in?
The Devil as the Architect of the Material World
A fascinating interpretation of Iblis in some Gnostic and esoteric traditions is that he is not merely the tempter or the enemy of humanity but the creator of the material world.
From the words of Aba Al-Sadiq:
…Iblis created the physical world, and the physical world is divided into the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of Adam (PBUH) and the children of Iblis. Since this realm that we are in is the realm of darkness in which light is trapped, it is our mission to save as much light in it as possible, in order that it may return to its source. - The Goal of The Wise, Door Number 15, ‘Light and Darkness’
In this view, the devil becomes the father of our physical existence—a "simulation”. This interpretation aligns with Manichaean beliefs and certain Gnostic sects that describe the physical universe as a realm of darkness, created by an evil entity to trap the light, or the divine spark, within humanity.
In this framework, the devil—or Iblis—constructed the physical world to entrap the souls of humans. He is not just a fallen angel but the ruler of a simulated reality, designed to deceive and distract us from the true spiritual reality. This aligns with a broader esoteric belief that our world is illusory, a carefully crafted simulation meant to keep us from discovering our divine nature.

In Gnostic cosmology, the Archons are the rulers of this material world. The word "Archon" means "ruler" or "lord," and these beings are described as malevolent entities that act as the gatekeepers of the physical universe. According to the Nag Hammadi texts, the Archons created a "bad copy" of the original divine realm—essentially a flawed, corrupted simulation of true reality.
What's striking about the Archons is how they are often depicted in forms reminiscent of modern extraterrestrial entities. Some Gnostic descriptions of Archons portray them as reptilian or dragon-like beings, while others liken them to what we now know as grey aliens. The idea that these beings might be the creators or overseers of a grand cosmic simulation ties into both ancient religious texts and modern-day theories about the nature of reality.
These Archons, much like the Reptilians and greys spoken of in UFO lore, are said to feed off human energy, keeping humanity in a perpetual state of ignorance and confusion. Their goal is to prevent humans from realizing their true spiritual potential and escaping the confines of the material world, or the simulation they’ve created.
The World as an Illusion
Religious scriptures across many traditions repeatedly emphasize that this world is a deception. In 1 John 5:19, the Bible says, "the whole world is under the control of the evil one." Similarly, the Quran warns that the life of this world is nothing but "play and amusement," an illusion meant to distract us from the greater reality of the divine.
In The Goal of The Wise, Aba Al-Sadiq explains that the material world itself is a false creation, a digital copy of a higher, perfect realm.
“It (The World) is an illusion but the people within it are in a test.”
…Our reality is a virtual reality program, that it is actually not a real place but more like a computer game or program with every action and consequence programmed with thousands of possibilities…although it is a game or illusion, it has an architect and the result or outcome of our performance in this virtual world has consequences on our reality in the real world.’ - The Goal of The Wise, Door Number 14: The Nature of Reality
It is a simulation, one that deceives the physical senses and leads astray. According to these teachings, salvation lies in breaking free from the illusion of the material world and reconnecting with the divine reality beyond it.
This belief finds resonance in modern spiritual movements and even scientific theories. In recent years, physicists and philosophers have proposed that the universe might indeed be a simulation, a complex virtual reality controlled by an unknown architect or group of architects. The parallels between these scientific speculations and ancient religious teachings are striking, leading some to wonder whether our ancestors were already aware of the true nature of reality.
So, if Lucifer, Iblis, and the Archons are all expressions of this inverted, chaotic consciousness that governs the simulation, what does this mean for humanity? According to many esoteric traditions, the answer lies in enlightenment—a process of waking up to the truth of our existence and escaping the control of these malevolent forces.
In this view, angels—or other divine beings—serve as messengers and guides, attempting to help humanity break free from the illusion. Angels, in contrast to the Archons, constantly urge us to see beyond the material and recognize the true reality. They implore us to resist the temptations and distractions of the physical world and strive for a higher understanding of the cosmos.
The Archons and their agents, on the other hand, are always working to keep us grounded in materialism and physical pleasures, convincing us that this world is all there is. By manipulating our thoughts, emotions, and desires, they maintain their control over the simulation. In this sense, the war between angels and demons is not just a metaphysical battle but a struggle for the freedom of human consciousness.
While the world may be an illusion, many religious traditions suggest that it is also a test. In this sense, life is like a game or virtual reality program, where every action has consequences that affect not just our experience here but our eternal destiny. The Goal of The Wise describes this reality as a place where we are constantly being tested, with our actions in this simulation determining our fate in the real world—the spiritual realm beyond the illusion.
If this is the case, then our mission is clear: to see through the deception and act in accordance with the divine principles that guide us to truth. This is the message of angels, prophets, and enlightened beings across all spiritual traditions—they remind us that the material world is temporary, that it will eventually fade away, and that our true purpose lies in something far greater.
If the Archons are indeed the creators and rulers of this simulated reality, then our task is to break free from their control. This does not necessarily mean rejecting the physical world altogether, but rather recognizing its illusory nature and refusing to be deceived by it. The key is to awaken to our divine potential, to rise above the distractions and manipulations of the material world, and to strive for a higher understanding of reality.
The figure of Lucifer—or Iblis—serves as a reminder of the deceptive nature of the physical world. He represents the false light, the seductive allure of the material realm that distracts us from the truth. But through awareness, enlightenment, and spiritual growth, we can overcome the influence of the Archon-Nemesis, so to speak, and achieve liberation from the simulation.
The scriptures, ancient texts, and modern insights all point toward one profound truth: there is more to reality than meets the eye. We are not merely players in a simulation—we are spiritual beings with the power to transcend it. The journey may be difficult, but the message is clear: do not be deceived by the illusion. Seek the truth that lies beyond, and you will find the path to ultimate freedom.
Chapter 6: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5) refers to human-initiated contact with extraterrestrial beings or advanced interstellar civilizations. This involves direct communication between aliens and humans, something that has been hinted at in ancient scriptures and religious texts for millennia. The idea that humans have been in contact with beings beyond Earth is not new, but it has been interpreted through various lenses—spiritual, mystical, and, more recently, technological.
One of the most fascinating examples of potential contact with extraterrestrial entities comes from biblical stories, particularly the case of Elijah and his dramatic ascension to heaven in a "chariot of fire." In the Book of 2 Kings (2:9-11), Elijah is taken up into the sky by a fiery whirlwind, a description that could be interpreted as an early account of a human encounter with non-human entities or advanced technology.
The passage from 2 Kings reads:
"As they were walking along and talking, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."
Could this be a metaphorical or mystical description of an extraterrestrial abduction? Or perhaps a direct encounter with advanced interstellar beings? In ancient texts, language was often symbolic, and events were described in terms that people of the time could understand. A chariot of fire could have been an ancient interpretation of a spacecraft, just as a whirlwind could be a primitive description of a propulsion system.
The Mysterious Case of Enoch
Another key figure in ancient scriptures often associated with extraterrestrial encounters is Enoch, a man who, like Elijah, was said to have been taken up into the heavens. The Bible tells us little about him—just that he was the seventh patriarch before the Great Flood and that he “walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him” (Genesis 5:24). However, extra-biblical texts, such as the Book of Enoch, provide more detailed accounts of his experiences, and these have been interpreted by some scholars as descriptions of encounters with alien beings.
According to the Book of Enoch, Enoch was taken up by two celestial beings at the age of 12 and was shown the inner workings of what we might now recognize as a spaceship. He describes seeing gardens of strange fruits and vegetables, which could be interpreted as an alien habitat or a ship’s bio-sustainability system. Enoch also speaks of a “throne room” with a being seated at the center, whom he referred to as “the highest”—a title that might suggest not God, but a superior extraterrestrial commander.
This narrative could align with modern descriptions of alien abductions, where abductees often report being taken aboard ships, meeting with alien beings, and undergoing strange examinations or receiving messages. What Enoch interpreted as a divine experience might have been an early CE-5 event—direct, initiated contact with extraterrestrial beings.
Modern alien abduction stories vary widely. Some abductees report terrifying experiences, involving medical experiments, paralysis, and overwhelming fear. These cases often carry a tone of trauma and confusion, much like ancient descriptions of encounters with angels or gods who instilled fear and awe in the people they visited.
However, not all alien abductions are described negatively. Some individuals report their abductions as positive and enlightening, with beings imparting wisdom, guidance, or knowledge about the universe. This echoes religious accounts of humans being taken up to meet with higher beings for instruction or insight. Enoch’s encounter, for example, was transformative; he was shown celestial wonders, introduced to beings of immense power, and granted a new perspective on life.
Similarly, Islamic texts describe experiences where prophets or holy men are taken on journeys through the heavens. For instance, the Isra and Mi'raj story of Prophet Muhammad’s night journey to the heavens shares some similarities with modern abduction accounts, involving encounters with celestial beings and visionary experiences. Could these experiences be another form of Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind?
While modern science often attributes alien abduction experiences to sleep paralysis or psychological factors, it’s worth considering whether ancient scriptures have long been documenting similar encounters under the veil of religious or mystical experiences. Stories like Elijah’s ascent and Enoch’s journey to the stars might not be about divine intervention in the traditional sense, but instead about contact with advanced beings—either extraterrestrial or interdimensional.
Elijah, Enoch, and Muhammad—three figures from different traditions—all experienced direct contact with non-human entities and were taken to places beyond the earthly realm. In modern terms, these could be described as CE-5 events, where humans initiated or were chosen for contact with higher beings. These stories invite us to reconsider how we view ancient texts and whether the “heavens” they speak of are literal places beyond Earth, accessed by advanced technologies.
The idea of Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind raises significant questions about the nature of our reality and the beings that may be interacting with us. Why do these encounters happen? Are they a test—an initiation of sorts for certain humans to gain wisdom or knowledge? Or are they part of a larger extraterrestrial agenda, involving the study and manipulation of human consciousness?
One interpretation, derived from both ancient texts and modern experiences, is that extraterrestrial beings—or higher intelligences—may be attempting to guide humanity towards a deeper understanding of the universe. In this sense, alien encounters could be seen as spiritual awakenings, akin to religious experiences. The contactees may be receiving a glimpse of a broader cosmic reality, just as Enoch was shown the wonders of the heavens.
Yet, as with any encounter with the unknown, there is fear. Many abduction stories carry an undercurrent of dread, as humans are taken without their consent, subjected to bizarre procedures, and then returned with fragmented memories. This dual nature—fear and enlightenment—reflects the complexity of these encounters, which often mirror the ambiguous nature of religious experiences in ancient texts.
As humanity continues to explore the possibilities of extraterrestrial life and advanced civilizations, we are increasingly confronted with the question of what these beings want and why they interact with us. From the fiery chariots of Elijah to the heavenly journeys of Enoch, and the abduction accounts of modern times, it’s clear that human beings have long had contact with non-human entities—whether divine, alien, or something in between.
In our current age, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind lead us to reframe ancient stories and recognize that humans may have been communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations for centuries. These encounters could hold the key to understanding both our past and our future, as well as our place in the cosmos. Whether these interactions are intended to guide, test, or deceive, one thing is clear: we are not alone in the universe. And perhaps we never have been.
Thank you for being a true soldier of truth. It is time for humanity to learn the truth and stand against the evil forces of deception hand in hand. There is no truth or life without God and His Appointed Guides. 🏴
nice article!