Having once dreamed of being part of the community of Aba Al-Sadiq, I now live among the believers in the community of the religion. There are many things I wish I had understood when I first became a believer. Below is a step-by-step guide to make it easy for those interested in joining the faith:
1. Read, Research, and Scrutinize
Before taking any steps toward joining the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, it is essential to engage in thorough research and self-reflection. Investigate the teachings, beliefs, and principles of the religion, and familiarize yourself with its core tenets.
A great starting point is the official website, www.ahmadireligion.org, where you can explore the basic tenets of the faith. The site also provides access to a comprehensive library of books and videos to deepen your understanding. These resources are invaluable for anyone seeking to explore the religion with depth and clarity.
The religion encourages believers to seek knowledge and certainty in their faith. As the first Mahdi, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan, emphasized:
"We do not call upon anyone to believe through ignorance, without awareness or knowledge. Rather, research and examine closely our matter and our call. I do not want anyone to enter into this Call without knowledge, without awareness, or without research."— Sayings of Ahmed Al-Hassan.
Understanding the depth of the religion’s teachings will not only strengthen your faith but also minimise any potential misunderstandings along the way. It is a journey of knowledge, and the more you learn, the stronger your foundation will be.
2. Connect with us
After thorough research and once you feel a sense of certainty in your beliefs, the next step is to reach out to the believing community. This is a significant step toward building meaningful relationships with fellow believers and receiving guidance as you integrate into the faith.

To get started, contact the Ahmadi Religion’s Outreach team. They are responsible for welcoming and assisting new members across different regions. You can reach them via email at outreach@theahmadireligion.com. Each country has a designated Outreach representative, and for English-speaking regions, Aillia Hallal is the head of the Outreach team. You will be put in touch with a person responsible for you, and you can ask any questions you might have.
Staying connected with the community will ensure you have the support and resources you need as you continue your journey in the religion. By following these steps—researching thoroughly and reaching out for support—you’ll be well on your way to a fulfilling experience within the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light.
3. Pledge Your Allegiance
Pledging allegiance (Shahada) is one of the most significant steps in joining the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. It symbolizes your commitment to the Imam of the time and, ultimately, to God.
As Prophet Muhammad said:
“Whoever dies and doesn’t pledge allegiance to the Imam of his time has died the death of ignorance.”— (Al-Aql wa Al-Jahl fi Al-Kitab wa Al-Sunnah, Mohammed Al-Reyshahri, p. 275.)
The Imam of the time is the one appointed by God, and to pledge allegiance to Him is to pledge allegiance to God. This is the very essence of religion and the purpose of our existence on this earth.
The pledge of allegiance is a profound commitment and should only be given when one is completely certain. It signifies your readiness to dedicate your life to God and to support the Imam of the time in every way possible. It is important to note that this pledge cannot be taken back once given, as it is a solemn promise to God.
We recommend reading The Goal of the Wise before making your pledge to ensure you have reached complete certainty. Only when you are confident in your decision should you proceed.

To officially pledge allegiance, you will need to record a video of yourself reciting the following words and send it to a member of the Outreach team after getting in contact with us via outreach@theahmadireligion.com
"I bear witness that there is no God but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that Ali and the Imams from his sons are the Proofs of Allah. I bear witness that the Mahdi and the Mahdis are the Proofs of Allah. Upon this I shall live, upon this I shall die, and upon this I shall be resurrected again."
You can choose for your video to be published or for it to remain private. This step marks your formal entry into the community of believers, and you will now be a part of a global family committed to serving God.
Dozens of people pledge their allegiance each day and this image is just a few of the many who have pledged.
4. Learn More
Continual learning is a crucial part of deepening your faith within the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. If you have not already done so before pledging allegiance, it is important to take the following steps:
Read The Goal of the Wise.
Visit the YouTube channel of Aba Al-Sadiq and watch both series: The School of Divine Mysteries and The School of the Qaim.
Sign up for Zoom lectures with the Outreach team to deepen your understanding of the faith.
Understanding the teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq is essential for staying on the straight path and helping others discover the truth. Participating in the Zoom lectures will provide you with direct insights from experienced members of the community, allowing you to ask questions and engage in discussions that will enhance your spiritual growth.
The importance of self-education in the faith cannot be overstated. It is the personal responsibility of every believer to continue learning and growing spiritually. Should you have any questions or need further clarification on the teachings, do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the Outreach team for support and guidance.
5. Get Active
Pledging allegiance is a vital first step, but it must be followed by action. In a recent episode of The School of the Qaim titled "Faith Without Actions is Dead," Aba Al-Sadiq emphasized that it is not enough to simply find the Imam of the time and pledge allegiance to Him. Believers are required to support the Imam with everything they have.
The importance of active support is underscored in religious teachings, where both Islamic and Christian scriptures highlight the necessity of combining faith with action. It is the obligation of believers to stand up against falsehood and uphold the Supremacy of God with their resources, energy, and commitment.
After pledging allegiance, the next step for every believer is to actively spread the truth and help bring as many souls as possible to the true religion. This period in history, when the Divine Just State under God’s leadership will be established, is unique and will never come again. Supporting the Qaim, Aba Al-Sadiq, during this time is the purpose of our existence in this incarnation.
Ways to Get Involved:
Online Engagement: Start by liking, sharing, and commenting on videos and content online to spread the message.
Social Media: Create your own posts and help raise awareness by sharing the truth on various platforms.
Flyers and Posters: Hand out flyers, put up posters, and help in distributing materials that share the message of the Ahmadi Religion. Don't forget to document and send in your missionary efforts to your Outreach contact person, so it can be published in the Divine Just State Magazine.
Outreach: Join or initiate missionary efforts, as groups in countries like Azerbaijan and Jordan have done, often risking their safety to declare their belief. Meet up with other believers and come up with creative ways to share the call.
Contribute to the cause with what you own: In the time of Jesus, the Disciples with him knew fully how critical it was to support the cause that they were standing for with everything they had. The Book of Acts explains it this way: "The whole congregation of believers was united as one—one heart, one mind! They didn’t even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, “That’s mine; you can’t have it.” They shared everything. The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Master Jesus, and grace was on all of them. And so it turned out that not a person among them was needy. Those who owned fields or houses sold them and brought the price of the sale to the apostles and made an offering of it. The apostles then distributed it according to each person’s need." — (Acts 4:32-35) Those who pledge allegiance to the Imam of the Time are required, again, in this day and age, to support God with their wealth, and it is seen as an honour to do so and a privilege. Since those who pledge their allegiance are putting God above all else, supporting Him above all else is also part of putting this into practice.
Join the Community of the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq
Finally, the most meaningful and impactful act of dedication to God is to do as the companions of every prophet and messenger did - to leave behind their own lives of self-interest and commit to following the Imam, or the man sent by God with the Holy Spirit, wherever he may go.
In the Bible, we see the story of the rich man who was eager to follow Jesus. But there was a condition to it - Jesus asked him to ‘sell everything, give it to the poor, and follow me’. (Matthew 19:21 - 24) Jesus also tells one of the people inquiring about following him, ‘leave the dead to bury the dead’. (Luke 9:59, 60) Indicating that it is ‘death’ to stay away from the messenger, and that life is found by following the Holy Spirit. Those who find in themselves faith and the wish to be fully dedicated to God, make the choice to request to the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq if they can join his community, knowing that this means being fully committed to supporting the cause and working actively towards serving humanity. However, to reach this level of faith is a privilege and a responsibility that all should strive for, but not everyone reaches. All believers are encouraged to reach God by doing, as the narrations say, whatever it takes, even if it means ‘crawling over ice’.(Bihar Al-Anwar, Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi, 3rd ed., v.51, p.82-83, hadith 27 and Sunan Ibn Maja, Muhammad ibn Yazeed Al-Qazweeny, v.2, p.1366, hadith 4082)
It is important to take action in whatever ways are available to you, and if you're interested in more ways to help, contact the Outreach Team for guidance: outreach@theahmadireligion.com who are always very happy to respond and assist.
thank you so much dear sister 🌹✌️👍
شكرا علي هذا المقال المفيد , اللهم صلي علي محمد وال محمد الائمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما
Very important article thank you