Hatice Bekkar from Istanbul, Turkey, has lived for 20 years in Rotterdam, Holland, as a teacher working with children. She recently became a member of the AROPL faith and has been tirelessly distributing posters across the city in public spaces to spread the message that a solution for the world's problems has finally arrived in the form of Aba Al-Sadiq.
Imam Sadiq relates:
"When our Qa'im arises, he will call people anew to Islam, guiding them to the old thing from which people have turned away. He will be called Mahdi because he will guide people to the thing from which they have been separated. He will be called Qa'im because he will be commanded to establish the truth."
Hatice comes from an Alevite family connected to the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt and grew up in Istanbul learning from her father from as early as 5 years of age. He worked for Haci Bektasi Veli for at least 30 years and was always praying upon God and the family of Muhammad. He taught Hatice the true concept of humanity and spiritual guidance. She recognized how he was dedicated to helping sustain and clothe the poor and oppressed in society and even little animals.
“And the Messiah will answer them, 'Don't you know? When you cared for one of the least of these, my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.'" (Matthew 25:40)
Hatice discovered the call of Aba Al-Sadiq through social media after intense meditation and prayer sessions asking for support and guidance for her family and humanity. She soon became convinced that the teachings of Aba Al-Sadiq dovetailed with those of Ahlul Bayt and was able to accept the call with peace and tranquility.
Hatice, who loves to reflect on the divine beauty of the narrative, was deeply convinced by the wisdom of Ahmed al-Hassan, who said: "Love, forgiveness, calm-headedness, faith, and clean hearts that are pure and sincere to one another, and to their Lord, achieve the impossible. Without love, there is no life."
Today, through her media work, Hatice seeks to introduce as many other people to the faith so they too can feel the same tranquility that she feels after embracing this call of God.