AROPL Studios: The Beacon of Global Outreach
“And he’ll raise that rallying banner high, visible to all nations, gather in all the scattered exiles of Israel, pull in all the dispersed refugees of Judah from the four winds and the seven seas.” Isaiah 11:12
AROPL Studios, headquartered in the United Kingdom, stands as the official media wing of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace & Light, where the banner of “Allegiance is to Allah” waves proudly, broadcasting its message to the world.

With two 24/7 satellite TV channels reaching over 120 million homes across the MENA region, Africa, and Europe, the studio fulfills the ancient Hadiths from the Ahlul Bayt that the Qaim from the family of Mohammed would speak to people “in many languages.” AROPL Studios delivers content in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Urdu, German, Spanish, and Azeri, expanding its reach far beyond traditional borders and working hard to gather believers from the four corners of the world.
The influence of these satellite channels has been immense, particularly in regions like the MENA, where satellite TV still adorns most rooftops, and where people cannot afford high-speed internet, or their area lacks adequate services.
Thousands have pledged allegiance to the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem since the channels launched, and our programs have caught the attention of major media outlets and religious scholars alike in the Middle East. Every day, the phone lines are buzzing with people filled with excitement and curiosity about this call, many of whom pledge their allegiance live on air because they believe in the Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad and they believe that the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem is the “Abdullah” mentioned in that Will.
They hold onto the words of Mohammed, where he said, “those who die without knowing the Imam of the Time” or “those who die without a pledge of allegiance to the Imam of the Time, have died the death of ignorance.”
The callers who are now believers today, have recognized and know the Imam of the time, the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem, and they pledged their allegiance and support for all to hear around the world. And they’re not the only ones—over 260 believers have come forward pledging their allegiance in the last 45 days, and that’s not considering those who wish to remain private, due to the persecution members of our faith face from Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Malaysia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and other countries in the region.
Beyond satellite TV, AROPL's dedicated team of around 45 believers produces content for nearly 50 multi-lingual social media platforms across major sites like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Spotify.
The studio's media efforts focus on the teachings of the Qaim in his gospel “The Goal of the Wise,” and his lecture series called "The School of Divine Mysteries," available on the Mahdi Has Appeared YouTube channel.
What you have been promised has arrived!
“The School of Divine Mysteries” series, consisting of over 100 episodes, dives deep into the proofs of the Qaim’s call and shares profound knowledge from Abrahamic traditions, shaking the status quo and calling humanity to the true religion: the Supremacy of God. In less than one year, the channel has seen impressive numbers, with almost 54,000 subscribers, nearly 15 million channel views, and over 420,000 “watch-time hours.”
There are end times prophecies from the Ahlul Bayt concerning “the signs of the Appearance of the Qaim,” and in them, they say that the Qaim will speak to the world and the believer will see him in his place, although they themselves are in other parts of the world. No other time than today could this prophecy come to past and The Mahdi Has Appeared YouTube channel and satellite TV channels are a fulfillment of that prophecy over 1,000 years ago.
Another big sign of the appearance of the Qaim is that the believers will be able to see each other from the east to the west, and that is certainly fulfilled in the outreach work being carried out by the dedicated believers in AROPL Studios.