Thamina, a former British Pakistani Sunni Muslim, has followed in the footsteps of her fellow AROPL community members by sharing posters in the wider community. Her goal is to spread the message that God has sent a Divine King to guide humanity. She believes that Aba Al-Sadiq’s political skills and philosophical knowledge surpass those of anyone else in this era.
Thamina did not agree with the selection of caliphs through popular vote or self-appointment, and she believes that the Prophet Muhammad never made permissible the concept of shura or the elective process.
Prophet Mohammed said:
“Calamity upon calamity for my nation from the big shura (elective process) and small shura.” When asked about this, he said: “The big shura will begin for my nation after my death, leading to the usurpation of the rights of my brother (Ali ibn Abu Talib) and the rights of my daughter (Lady Fatima Zahra). The small shura will occur during the long occultation in Zawra (Baghdad) to change my sunnah (the true path) and alter my principles.” — Manaqib, page 130.
Thamina also did not believe, nor had she read, that the Prophet Muhammad ever granted any mufti or sheikh the authority to make changes or innovations to the true religion in the name of God.
“O Allah, You are the Owner of Rulership; You give rulership to whomever You wish and take it from whomever You wish.” — Holy Quran 3:26
Thamina first discovered the call at the end of January 2023 on the official TikTok channel, Imam Mahdi has Appeared. It was here that she learned about the holy will of the Prophet Muhammad and that Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq had claimed his name in that will. She realized that this was similar to how the Prophet Muhammad claimed his name was mentioned by Jesus in the book of John.
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever” — John 14:16
Thamina then watched the short videos on TikTok and YouTube and read The Goal of the Wise. It was an amazing and mind-blowing read that left her convinced of the truth of this call. In March 2023, Thamina pledged her allegiance to Aba Al-Sadiq.
Today, Thamina is deeply committed to spreading this message, as she believes that without Aba Al-Sadiq on the throne of Earth, true peace and prosperity cannot prevail. She asserts that the Mahdi’s manifesto must be disseminated as widely as possible; it is a simple, clear message that offers a guide and a solution to the world’s problems today for those seeking God’s true path and light in this dark time in history.
The Manifesto explains that humanity’s solution lies in choosing a divinely appointed leader, a tradition that has continued from Adam until today. Thamina hopes that people will see through this book what has been missing: a divinely appointed leader, a just and rightful guide. She believes that God has always appointed a leader for humanity, and that God does not abandon people to self-appointed or elected leaders driven by personal ambition or satanic influences, which only lead to chaos, division, and confusion.
Change, according to Thamina, must begin within us. It requires rejecting corrupt scholars and supporting God’s divinely appointed leader, Aba Al-Sadiq, who calls all of humanity to unite under a just, divine state as God always intended. Thamina appeals to people of all colors, creeds, and backgrounds to support Aba Al-Sadiq and spread this message widely to save as many souls as possible.
She also reminds the Muslim community that the Prophet Muhammad did indeed leave a holy will. Despite the efforts of corrupt scholars to hide it, God is now revealing the truth through the Manifesto. Thamina prays that God guides every truth-seeker to recognize and accept this holy message.