In the traditions of Islam, the companions of the Mahdi are unlike any companions that have come to pass. They hold a pivotal position in the end times, and are described as the vanguard who will accompany the Mahdi in his divine mission to restore justice and equity, while the earth is filled with injustice and inequity. Their steadfast belief, unparalleled dedication, and exceptional attributes have captivated wishful hearts across generations. Reflecting on this, we turn to a verse from the Quran:
"He said: Ah! that I had power to suppress you, rather I shall have recourse to a strong support. " (Surah Hud, verse 80) ... Imam Sadiq says concerning this verse, “The power and strength, which is desired by Prophet Lut, is in fact the strength of Hazrat Qaem and the steadfastness of his companions.” (Kamaaluddin, volume 1, page 673)
When we think of a companion, we often picture a loyal friend who stands by us during tough times. That is usually the extent of what we expect from companionship today. However, the companions of the Mahdi are far more than just regular companions—together, they form a formidable force, united in purpose and driven by a shared vision to serve and protect God’s vicegerent. They possess such deep trust, love, and loyalty that they would willingly embrace destruction for the sake of their faith. The narrations describe them as being more obedient to the Imam than a wife to her husband or a bondwoman to her master. Their relationship with the Imam is akin to a marriage to their faith and to God, driving them to do anything for His sake. They spend their nights in sleepless worship, their hearts constantly devoted to God, and during the day, they work with the fierce determination of lions.
Besides the companions possessing firm faith and obedience to the Mahdi; their hearts are likened to iron, and each one is said to have the spiritual strength of forty true believers:
While referring to the companions of Imam Mahdi, Imam Sadiq says, “Each of them have been gifted the strength of forty men and surely their hearts are firmer than iron, and they will not sheath their swords until the time their Lord is satisfied with them.” (Kamaluddin chapter 58, tradition 18)
The number of companions: 10000, 313, 50, 12
There are three distinct groups of companions: the 10,000 warriors, 313 men and 50 women, and the 12 closest advisers. The 10,000 are described as a formidable army, capable of performing miracles and conquering cities through the sheer power of their faith. The 313 on the other hand, are the elite companions along with the 50 women. These individuals are the first to enter Paradise. As they pass in front of other nations and people during God's judgment, everyone observes them as they see these men and women with shining faces. They are considered to be the most devout, knowledgeable, and righteous individuals who will gather around the Imam when he reappears. And there are the 12, who will be the Mahdi's closest and constant companions, never leaving his side, and serving as the most trusted decision-makers.
Imam Mohammed Taqi said, "Allah will gather his followers around him. Their number will be 313, the same as the companions of Badr. They will gather from different parts of the earth.’ And this is the exegesis of Allah’s Words, “…wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together; surely Allah has power over all things.” (Surah Baqarah, verse 148)."(Beharul Anwar, volume 52, chapter 31, tradition 10)
Clothes and appearances
Many Islamic traditions provide vivid descriptions of the Mahdi's companions, offering insights into their physical appearance and demeanor. These narrations, attributed to Imam Ali, depict individuals as being young with long hair, beards, and mustaches, dressed in black and carrying black banners. The accounts suggest a striking uniformity among these followers, describing them as similar in height, facial features, and clothing. These visual details not only serve to identify the companions but also emphasize their unity in supporting the Mahdi's mission. Numerous hadiths affirm this, such as:
The Commander of the believers said on the platform of Kufa: "... his companions are those who have long hair, they are the ones who have beards and mustaches, their clothes are black, they are companions of Black Banners" (Bihar Al-Anwar, volume 52, page 233)
Interestingly these narrations fit the companions of Aba Al-Sadiq, who naturally immitate Aba Al-Sadiq's appearance by letting their hair grow long and dressing in black.
Imam Ali in another tradition narrates, ‘I am seeing them (companions of Imam Mahdi) – they are similar in colour, height, face and clothes. They are united in their hearts and are anxiously trying to search for their lost property. They are troubled and disturbed because of it. At that moment, a person from the extreme wall of the Holy Kaabah will reappear. This person will be an exact replica of the Holy Prophet in his appearance, ethics, mannerisms, beauty and radiance. These people shall ask him ‘Are you Mahdi?’ He shall reply, ‘Yes I am Mahdi.’ Then they shall all pay allegiance to him.’ (al-Malaahim wal Fitan, page 122, Roozgaarhaai, volume 1, page 416, tradition 482)
Mahdi's companions will be predominantly young, with only a few elders among them. The young are chosen to support the Mahdi as a reflection of their strength, purity, adaptability, and the symbolic renewal of the Islamic community under the Mahdi's leadership.
Imam Ali said, “The companions of al-Qa'im will be young men. There will be no old men among them except like the kohl in an eye or like the salt in the food and the least part of food is the salt.” (Al-Ghayba by at-Toossi p.476, al-Malahim by ibn Tawooss p.144, Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.517, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.333, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.102)
The Chosen Ones
The Mahdi's companions are not ordinary individuals; they are a select group, handpicked by God. Their souls are of returned prophets, messengers, angels, and the most pious of believers from across history. The traditions state that these companions will be drawn from diverse nations and backgrounds, transcending the barriers of race, culture and creed.
The Holy Prophet prophesied, "When our Qaim will establish himself, Allah will gather the people of the East and West. These people will come together in one place in the same manner as the leaves gather in one place in autumn." (al-Sawaeq al-Mohreqa, page 163; Muntakhabul Asar, page 477)
The cultural and racial diversity of the followers and companions of the Mahdi is described in many narrations and is something that makes the call particularly universal.
Aminah Alamgir, a half-Iraqi, half-American believer from Boston, shares her unique perspective:
"This Hadith embodies the very essence of the community of Aba Al-Sadiq. Indeed, the community is a beautiful melting pot of East and West: it is a blend of those from the East who have lived in the West, and those with Eastern origins who have been born or grown up in the West. The community of the Qaim is a community where nations gather and live together in harmony under the shared culture of the Religion of the Qaim AS. It is a utopia where humans truly live as one humankind. It is paradise on earth."
Personal Stories and Quotes
The believers who joined the community of Aba Al-Sadiq from around the world, already aware of their role as the companions of the Mahdi, reflected on their personal journeys and saw clear parallels between their lives and the characteristics described in the hadiths by the Ahlulbayt pertaining the comapions of the Mahdi. Here are just a few personal stories highlighting these parallels: Ardijan Demirovic an Albanian from New York shares a heartfelt reflection. “The believers are one. In this call, it’s impossible not to share in the pain or happiness that another believer is going through. When our brother Mamadou was in the hospital, for example, I lost sleep over his condition.” He adds that this experience reminds him of the hadith from Abu 'Abd Allah:
“Believers are like brothers from one father and mother; when one of them is struck, the others lose sleep.” (Kitāb al-Muʾmin, The bond that Allah has set amongst the believers, Hadith #1)
Mamadou Rurimwishiga a Senegalese from Minnesota reflects, “I’ve always loved this narration because it captures the essence of our shared bond. Whether it’s clothes, money, or food, I've seen time and time again where I'm in need of something, and I find the believers rushing to get what I need with full happiness.”
Sarah Batul, a Pakistani from the UK, shares her personal experience: "When I arrived in the community, the first thing I noticed was how the scriptures came to life. The ways of Jesus and his disciples, along with the traditions of Muhammad and his family, were deeply embedded in their lives." She points out how the Ansar of Aba Al-Sadiq share everything, possessed nothing, and worked toward a common goal. It reminded her of the narrations about the companions of the Riser, who would stay up all night working for the cause.
Nima Firouzi, an Iranian from Germany, shares his touching story: “When I came to Egypt after searching for the truth, I knew I had found the people who fit the description of believers, those who love each other for the sake of God. The brothers eagerly jumped to do good deeds for each other, whether it was something big or even the smallest of tasks. Unlike anything I had ever witnessed, these brothers truly brought me back to life, as I had almost reached a point in my 26 years on this earth where I struggled to believe that people who genuinely want to please God even exist. So, I thought to myself, if these guys are already like this, then what must Ahmad Al Hassan be like? I had learned and observed that people always become what they follow and look up to. Here, I saw greatness in people who had given up their ordinary lives to go into a "cave," like "the people of the cave," to be ready to support the savior. They came together from all four corners of the earth, just as I had read about the companions of the Mahdi. I am ever so thankful to Allah that He placed me next to the spirit of God within His nation so that I can be part of the greatest movement the world has ever seen or heard about.”
The Trials and Tribulations
The companions of the Mahdi will not be spared from trials and tribulations. They will be tested to the utmost, with some succumbing to the weight of the knowledge bestowed upon them and apostatizing, while others emerge stronger in their faith. The Mahdi himself will put them through rigorous tests, sifting them until only the most steadfast remain.
Imam Baqir in reply to a question on when he would come to power said, “It’s a pity that it will not be so till you are all sieved like grain is sieved to separate it from chaff. And then you are sieved again and again till there does not remain any impurity and only the clean grain is left.” (Biharul Anwar volume 52, chapter 26, tradition 28)
The companions of the Mahdi are a testament to the power of faith and devotion to their leader. Their story is a fabric of sacrifice, steadfastness, and the unshakable conviction that justice will prevail through Gods kingdom. As the Mahdi's vanguard, they will pave the way for a new era of peace, harmony, and the restoration of the true teachings of the seventh covenant. Their legacy will resonate across centuries and inspiring future generations to emulate their unshakable dedication to the Vicegerent of God.
God bless you all!
Salam Alaikum sister, Gohareh Musa Yafai, thank you for compiling some background examples of the things some of the members have expressed being in the community, it reminds me of when I first began looking into this religion, and I'm not easily swayed, but I saw so much humanity here, up until then I had given up on trying to make a difference, now this is my whole life, I don't know where I would go or what I would do if the Lord God Allah hadn't bestowed this blessing on me, because i was just about to give up on believing someone would for once come for me, and the Lord God ❤ well what is there to say.
The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.