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Aliens and Religion - Heavenly Visitors or Sinister Beings?

Writer's picture: Ailia MuhammadAilia Muhammad

Updated: Jan 26

Aliens and Angels

At AROPL Studios, working as a media presenter, I had the privilege to explore one of the most fascinating topics from The Goal of The Wise: The subject of alien life, and how it branches into religion and our history as a human species. While the idea of alien life is not considered to be ‘scientifically proven’, extraterrestrials have a mention in many spheres of our existence, and that includes religion and religious history. We at AROPL Studios took inspiration from that and decided to speak to experts in the field. Members of the team have conducted interviews with renowned personalities - Erich Von Danicken (author of Chariots of the Gods), Malcolm Robinson, Derrel ‘Alien Hunter’ Sims and others. This is part one of a series of articles written based on what we heard.

Alien Life and Extraterrestrials: Are We Truly Alone in the Universe?

For centuries, humanity has pondered the age-old question: Are we the only life in the universe? From ancient religious texts to modern-day congressional hearings, evidence seems to point toward a much larger, cosmic community. Is it possible that God created life on other planets, too? And if so, what does that mean for our understanding of the universe and our place within it?

In sacred scriptures, from Ezekiel’s wheels to the story of Dhul-Qarnain, we find references to beings that appear otherworldly. These ancient traditions, spanning Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, mention alien-like entities and civilizations from other worlds. Yet, until recently, these ideas were often dismissed as allegorical or symbolic. However, recent events have reignited global curiosity, bringing the possibility of extraterrestrial life back into the spotlight.

On July 26, 2023, a groundbreaking event occurred. For the first time, Congress held a session allowing former government workers to openly discuss unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), commonly referred to as UFOs. This marked a pivotal moment in the public’s acknowledgment of something long speculated: We are not alone. These phenomena are present in our skies, our atmosphere—our territory.

So, what does this mean for us? Are we finally brave enough to accept what we’ve always suspected?

The answer seems to be yes.

A 2021 Pew Research Center survey showed that two-thirds of Americans believe in intelligent life outside Earth, and a 2021 YouGov survey revealed that half of the UK population shares this belief. The idea of extraterrestrials isn’t new—it’s as old as humanity itself. Civilizations throughout history have reported encounters with beings from beyond, often believing them to be gods.

As history shows, ancient visitors to our world were often mistaken for divine beings due to their advanced knowledge and technology. Our Stone Age ancestors, unable to comprehend what they were witnessing, concluded that these extraterrestrials were gods. This belief became deeply ingrained in myths and legends across various cultures.

However, modern Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—are cautious when it comes to acknowledging extraterrestrial life. While religious texts do not outright reject the possibility, they do not provide clear answers. In Judaism, the Talmud speaks of God presiding over “18,000 worlds,” hinting at the existence of other realms. Psalm 145:13 further suggests that God’s kingdom spans many worlds, leaving room for speculation about life beyond Earth.

Islam also references multiple worlds. The very first verse of the Quran begins with a powerful statement: “All praises are due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.” This verse suggests that Earth is not the only world in existence, and that there may be other beings under God’s dominion.

But if aliens do exist, where does that leave our understanding of God? Some atheists argue that the existence of extraterrestrial life could disprove the idea of a single creator. Others fear that alien encounters are being pushed as a new form of religion, potentially replacing belief in God. However, this perspective is narrow. The existence of extraterrestrials need not challenge our faith in a divine Creator; rather, it could expand our understanding of the universe and the greatness of God’s creation.

Throughout history, humanity has often mistaken visitors from foreign lands as gods. When Francisco Pizarro arrived in Peru, the Inca believed he was a long-awaited deity. Similarly, the Aztecs mistook Spanish conquistadors for divine beings. This pattern has repeated itself across the globe, from Central America to Hawaii, illustrating humanity’s long-standing fascination with visitors from the sky.

But what if these visitors weren’t gods or humans, but something else entirely? Historical accounts of UFO sightings are not a new phenomenon. In 1639, Puritan leader John Winthrop recorded one of the earliest known UFO sightings in America. His journal details strange lights in the sky that behaved in ways that defied explanation. These accounts, eerily similar to modern-day UFO encounters, suggest that humanity has been visited by extraterrestrial beings for centuries.

Today, we give these mysterious visitors new names: aliens and extraterrestrials. However, the truth is that they may have always been a part of our world—observing, interacting, and, at times, influencing us.

As our understanding of the universe expands, we must confront the possibility that we are not alone. Whether these beings are advanced civilizations from distant planets, interdimensional entities, or something else entirely, they challenge us to reconsider what we know about life, creation, and our place in the cosmos.

As we continue to explore this vast and mysterious universe, one thing is clear: we’ve got company. The question is, are we ready to meet them?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In the vast and mysterious universe, we've heard tales of different types of extraterrestrials. Some claim to have encountered beings from far-off planets or dimensions, and throughout history, various names have been given to these species. But just like humanity, these otherworldly visitors seem to come in all forms—some benevolent, some indifferent, and others sinister.

One particularly dark theory that’s gained traction is the concept of Reptilians, a malevolent species of alien often depicted as power-hungry and parasitic. This idea, while it may seem modern, has roots that stretch back into ancient scripture and myth. Many religious and cultural traditions around the world describe evil, non-human entities that bear a resemblance to the reptilian aliens we hear about today. Whether it’s the demons of Christianity, the jinn in Islam, or the Chitauri in Zulu belief, different cultures have long warned about a non-human force manipulating and deceiving humanity.

The Reptilian Agenda: References in Scripture and History

In religious texts, the concept of evil beings like Lucifer or Iblis reflects a shared story across faiths—of a fallen, rebellious being who defied God and sought to lead humanity astray. The tale of Adam and Eve, and their fateful encounter with a reptile-like being in the Garden of Eden, symbolizes humanity's early contact with a force that did not have its best interests at heart. This serpent figure, responsible for the fall of mankind, could very well be an ancient reflection of the same demonic, reptilian entities some people believe continue to influence our world today.

The parallels are uncanny. Modern accounts of alien abductions or demonic possession seem eerily similar to the way these ancient beings were described: deceitful, power-hungry, and intent on leading humanity away from the truth. Take, for instance, the Gateway Project, a covert CIA experiment involving out-of-body experiences. During these "astral travels," some participants reported encounters with reptilian beings they called "alligators." These creatures, much like the serpent in Eden, were perceived as having dark, manipulative intentions.

But what do these reptilian beings want? According to various theories, their goal is control—whether through deception, manipulation, or even direct possession. 

‘People often wonder, if extraterrestrials do exist, why do they not appear or make open contact with humanity? Sometimes the best place to hide is in open sight. In nature, some species of insects such as the blue butterfly Maculinea can change its acoustical emissions to sound like the queen ant. The butterfly then controls the ants, commanding them to feed it and its larvae. One could say the butterfly successfully shapeshifted in the minds of the ants into the queen ant. What if extraterrestrials were able to do the same or like that on Earth with us? What if they were able to produce certain emissions that would cause us to see them in our image?’- The Goal of The Wise, Door Number 25, ‘Alien Life and Extraterrestrials’ 

It’s been said that their influence reaches into the highest levels of society, guiding and shaping world events to suit their needs. From ancient times to today, humanity has been warned about these deceptive beings. The danger lies not just in their presence, but in their ability to remain hidden in plain sight.

Alien Influence: Spiritual Warfare from Afar

Interestingly, Aba Al-Sadiq suggests that extraterrestrial beings may not always be physically present on Earth. In the Goal of The Wise, he speaks of a type of alien called the Shfar, who manipulate humanity from their own planet. 

The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “ The extraterrestrials control them from their own planet. The type that controls them is called Shfar. ” I said, “So, they possess him while controlling him? ” The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “No, it’s control from afar, remote control. ” I said, “ Glory be to God! So, this Rise and battle is a cosmic one? ” The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “ Yes. ” - Goal of The Wise, Door Number 32, ‘The AntiChrist Dajjal and Baphomet

This notion of “remote control” offers a new dimension to the idea of spiritual warfare—where extraterrestrial entities could influence human minds and actions without ever stepping foot on Earth. This raises questions about the nature of reality itself and the possibility that what we experience is, in many ways, an illusion crafted by forces we don’t fully understand.

In a world filled with deception, perhaps the scariest realization is that not everything is as it seems. For centuries, people have questioned whether we are the only intelligent life in the universe. And now, more than ever, we must consider that some of these extraterrestrial beings might not have our best interests at heart.

Alien Encounters

While the demonic reptilian agenda paints a dark picture of alien life, not all encounters with extraterrestrials are negative. Some reports describe benevolent beings, often compared to angels in religious texts. In fact, history is filled with stories of positive encounters with otherworldly beings—visitors who guide, heal, and enlighten.

The Lamassu

One could argue that these positive encounters parallel the angelic beings mentioned in scripture. The Bible, for example, describes several classes of angels, such as the Cherubim