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Egypt Jails AROPL Member in LGBTQ+ Crackdown

Writer's picture: Ardijan DemirovicArdijan Demirovic

Updated: Jan 26

Hisham Omar Abd Al-Nazir Hassan

Hisham Omar Abd Al-Nazir Hassan, a 46-year-old Egyptian citizen and Ahmadi believer, faces injustice due to his sexual orientation. Hisham was imprisoned in 2022 under false pretenses. The Egyptian government targets LGBTQ+ individuals, violating human rights. His story highlights the discrimination faced by religious and sexual minorities in Egypt.

Hisham Omar Abd Al-Nazir Hassan is a 46-year-old Egyptian citizen born in Iraq. He is a son, an upright citizen, a hard worker and good friend to those who know him. Hisham was doing well for himself, he worked as a Safety Officer in Oman and became a wealthy citizen. He would spend his hard-earned money on his friends and family - lending a helping hand to those in need. Hisham is also a faithful believer in the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light and was accepted into the faith in 2012. The Qaim of the Family of Mohammed Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq had invited Hisham to visit him while he along with his family and supporters were residing in Sweden. It was there that Hisham was given a very warm welcome and acceptance by both the promised Mahdi along with his faithful supporters and companions. After his short-lived visit, Hisham returned to Egypt where he continued to support the Call and began planning his migration.

However, on one tragic night in 2022, Hisham was taken and placed under arrest by the Egyptian police who in turn savagely beat and tortured him and threw him in jail without mercy. Hisham was not found guilty of murder, armed robbery, or kidnapping - so what was the crime that Hisham committed that made these police officers react with such violent force as if he was less than human? You see, the police had uncovered a great secret Hisham had kept hidden for years, a secret that would ruin his life. Hisham Omar is a homosexual.

Hisham Omar Abd Al-Nazir Hassan and AROPL Believers
Hisham Omar Abd Al-Nazir Hassan and AROPL believers

Although there are no laws against homosexuality in Egypt, the government finds a way to incriminate those involved in homosexual acts and behavior through Article 269 of the Egyptian Penal Code, that states:

“Whoever is found on a public road or a traveled and frequented place inciting the passers with signals or words to commit adultery shall be punished with detention for a period not exceeding one month.”

Another law commonly cited when framing members of the LGBTQI+ community is Law 10/1961 on the Combating of Prostitution. Victims are commonly entrapped through dating apps, or lured into hotels where they are consequently arrested.

Human Rights Watch reported in 2020:

A Cairo-based LGBT rights organization documented 92 arrests for alleged same-sex conduct in 2019 under Egypt’s “debauchery” law. According to the organization’s report, 69 percent of those arrested were “picked up randomly on the street,” indicating that Egyptian authorities are discriminating against people based on their gender expression.

To that end, Hisham has been falsely and discriminatingly charged under Articles 3, 4, 14, 15 and 16 of Law 10/1961 on the Combating of Prostitution. 

Hisham Omar's family reported Hisham’s disappearance after about a week. Despite extensive efforts to locate him, including visits to hospitals and police stations throughout Cairo, the authorities remained silent and refused to disclose his whereabouts. On November 2nd, 2022, the family received a call informing them that Hisham had been tried and sentenced to two years in prison. Following an appeal, the court ruled on December 20th to reject the appeal and impose the maximum penalty of two years in prison, with an additional year of probation to be served at the police station. This punishment is compounded by the physical abuse, verbal insults, and humiliation endured by Hisham while in police custody.

Ahmed Hallal, a faithful believer and supporter of Aba Al-Sadiq was shocked by these revelations. Hisham and Ahmed have been close friends since 1999. Ahmed was also the one who had given Hisham the glad tidings of the appearance of the Mahdi and accepted the faith because of it. Ahmed Hallal reached out to Hisham's family to offer support to his friend in need. But upon hearing about Hishams sexual orientation, his previous contacts and family members disowned him, called him “filthy” and no longer wanted to offer their support to him. Hisham was left to fend for himself in prison, suddenly abandoned by anyone he knew - solely on the basis of his sexual orientation.

Hisham Omar Abd Al-Nazir Hassan

As of now, Hisham remains incarcerated solely because the Egyptian government refuses to tolerate individuals who identify as LGBTQ+.

Some may wonder how the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light can embrace homosexuals within its fold. Should they not be shunned or excommunicated until they change their ways? The simple answer is no. The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light accepts everyone despite their ethnicity, background, sexual orientation, and upbringing. Everyone who wants God is welcome. Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq relates an event that had taken place in the gospel The Goal of the Wise:

"In the beginning of the Call in Iraq, after Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) opened the first house of worship for the believers, there was a homosexual man who came to the house of worship. The followers of the Imam (From Him is Peace) stated that they wanted him to go away because, in their opinion, him being amongst them would ruin their reputation and the reputation of the religion, since he was known in the town to be homosexual. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), upon hearing this became very angry and told them: “If I shut the doors to God in his face on whose door shall he knock?” And he welcomed the man back in. As such, our religion and our congregations welcome homosexuals and people from all walks and ways of life, because the person who is sincere in his search for God is much more honorable than the one who shows false religiosity while he is a hypocrite on the inside." (The Goal of the Wise, Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq, Door 3, p. 41)

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light will always and forever have its doors open to everyone. We do not shun or discriminate against anyone. We will not tolerate the imprisonment of Hisham Omar. We demand that justice be served for the inhumane treatment he endured, as well as for the robbery of his time and possessions. We will relentlessly pursue the release of our fellow believer until he is freed


Oct 13, 2024

It's a shame that people are targeted, particularly by their own governments, for things that are out of their control. There's so much more important things to focus our energies towards


Sep 20, 2024

crimes against humanity are not acceptable because someone has an affiliation to a particular faith - and certainly not based on sexual orientation - where is the help form the international community?
